Color in the Front garden

The two potted palms in the front never really did very well and one died while I was on holiday.  I re-planted the remaining one into the garden bed, since there is an empty spot at this time of year when the costus dies down.  I am not sure if the costus will stay there, and just come up during the wet season. 
The pots are now planted with this bamboo type plant.  I like the look of it and you can just cut a stalk and put it into the ground or a pot and it grows!

 The area out the front is looking quite colorful - with my peachy colored cannas
 The hot pink bouganvilla
 Pink cordelines
 and a red canna about to burst open
 Of course I do have my token front yard vegetable plant still producing one magnificent eggplant after another!


  1. Lots of color! I love it! That eggplant is really pretty too...the color is magnificent!

  2. Your front garden is lovely and so tropical looking. Especially love the bougainvillea and pink cordyline...two of my favorite plants!

  3. Kimberley and Floridagirl,
    It doesnt seem that long ago that I looked at the front and thought gosh I need some colour out here! That is the great thing about living in a tropical environment - it can be done!

  4. Those are some really pretty colors.Eggplant is especially colorful and I love that you have it right out front.

  5. I love your idea of growing an eggplant in the front garden. It deserves to be seen.

  6. Meems and Missygarden,
    something about the soil there just grows great eggplant. Obviously it is meant to be! Cooked that one on the barbeque last night - it was very yummy!

  7. Oook love the pics...liked your craft post too:)



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