The ever changing sweet potato bed, then rose garden, now amaryllis

You know my sweet potato bed, that my hubby said he wanted to turn into a rose garden?  Well, it seems he didn't really want roses.  He just didn't want sweet potatoes!  I had planted a row of salvia (well the label said salvia, but they don't look like salvia to me) and strewn a few zinnia and nasturtiums seeds around.  The continual rain was a bit disheartening, and the entire bed was fast being overtaken by weeds.  My grandson had grabbed the rose bush on Saturday morning and it had "bitten" him, so I have really been cooling over the rose bush idea anyway.
What to do, what to do.
At the same time my helconias have been taking over and suffocating the amaryllis.  I do love those heleconias, so decided to give them free reign of that bed and move the amaryllis (called hippeastrum more commonly here) over to the sweet potato bed.
It was quite dark by the time I had finished and found the camera to take  a photo, but I am sure you get the idea.   Time for a nice glass of wine in the swing with my hard work visible alongside!

I am not really sure when the best time is to move amaryllis - I suspect it is just after they flower, and then you would probably cut the leaves right back.  well, I don't always do things exactly by the book all the time......  I do remember them flowering right around the time of my daughters wedding which is July 31st, so there was no way I was going to cut those leaves, so loosely tied them together with some string, then poked bits of sticks in around the area to support them.  Now if and when they do flower I will have an "avenue" of amaryllis.   The bed definitely looks much better than the weed bed it was on Friday, so I count that as a positive.


  1. A job well done. A garden is a never ending canvas.

  2. Your new look of the bed is great. Good job! I won't cut those Amaryllis leaves either, they look pretty by themselves.

  3. Looks good!
    How is your creative writing coming? I'm being challenged, but I'm persevering.

  4. Diane, Isnt that the case? - just when you stand back and admire a completed job, you see something out of the corner of your eye........
    so much better than the weeds that were there, and I hope they dont mind being moved just before they flower
    Funnily enough I was just getting ready to write a post on that.. Challenge is good so they say!

  5. No one ever told me you cut the Amaryllis leaves. I always just pulled the whole bulb up leaves and all and planted the whole thing in another place when some had to be moved. They always did fine. Guess what you don't know is sometimes best.


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