Red ginger progression

A while back I posted a series of progression photos for the heleconia flower.   This time I want to share the same sequence for the red ginger.
At first the flower appears at the very tip of a leafy branch.  Every branch has a flower that forms on the tip of it, so it make for a very colourful and prolific plant.
This opens up into a lovely red flower, which grows bigger and longer over the course of a couple of months.

Eventually shoots start to form at the base of the flower, as you can see to the left of this photo.
These can be propogated by a method called layering, when you would bend this down and secure with a type of large staple into a pot of soil.   I imagine what happens in the wild is this flower would eventually get heavy and fall down and lay on the ground where roots would form.  I propogated all of mine in this way.


  1. Absolutely beautiful Gillian.

  2. That is a beautiful ginger...very exotic looking!

  3. I saw the Red Ginger plants growing everywhere last time I was in Costa Rica. I didn't know what they were called at the time but they make a great looking tropical. Your's look great!

  4. Thanks everyone, yes this is very common in this area and I think flowers all year long. Rainforest gardener with all his book knowledge probably knows the proper name for it! I have a pink one as well but it is not so prolific and is in more shade, so doesnt flower as much.

  5. Love this! It's great to see the progress of a plant that is obviously well taken care of. Keep up the good work.


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