Gifts from a neighbour and suddenly I have another path

I was sitting down for a water break on Saturday afternoon when I noticed my neighbour in her front yard.  We began chatting and she asked me what all the blue flowers were on her side of the fence.  My jicama has been running riot so I went over to cut it back.  Only when you cut the flowers and seed pods off does the energy go into making bigger tubers.  While I was there, she asked me if I would like to take her two sago palms that she had in pots, and felt they would do better in the ground.  Well would I?  Would you say no to free plants?   What a question?  Within the hour her pots were empty and I had a re-design!
It seems my shady garden that I have been wondering what to do with needed two sago palms!  There has been a  bit more colour and lightness lately with the easter lillies and impatients blooming.  Even the cordelines are showing more colour.

The front area just sort of naturally extended out into the grass to create a spot for one of them, and this curve automatically flowed into a leafy path.  I didnt want this path to be too distinct, and as the tree fern grows I want it to seem as though you are entering into a foresty area, so think I will just keep a layer of leaves over the cleared path. (Not hard to do with the lychee tree above) The other sago is right against the fence and so will eventually block that part of the fence from view.   I removed those straggly looking heleconia - not sure what they were supposed to do, but they hadnt flowered yet.  I thought they were the kind that had a very highly scented white flower.  Suspect they needed more light.
My dear darling non gardener hubby asked me why I didnt have the garden edge as a straight line - dont you just love these curves?  Maybe you have to be born to it to see that!  Flowing is the only way I see it!
My hubby did help me with one of my photography problems though.  I took this top photo the way I normally would with the landscape setting.  Since I have shady areas and then areas with bright light I often get this reddish tinge.

Well, lo and behold look what happens when I set the flash to "fill light"  Wonderful!


  1. What a lovely unexpected gift ... just perfect for your garden. I'm also a big fan or curves on garden beds ... it just looks more natural.

    That last photo does look great ... isn't it wonderful when you learn something new. You'll be producing lots of great photos as this part of your garden develops even more.

  2. There's nothing like free plants to brighten up the day for a gardener....

  3. Aren't free plants great?!! I am amazed at how similar my garden is to yours. I have a tree fern that is a focal point, and many of my beds are bordered in oyster plants. I even once had a lychee tree! And, of course, we have the sagos here at PITV, though I must battle the cycad scale here in Florida to keep mine alive. I agree with you on the curves! Your camera comments were interesting, as I often see a reddish/purplish tint to my photos. All those settings on the camera are so complicated to me!

  4. Bernie and Sanddune,
    I am having a sort of open garden with the gardening group this weekend, so will be giving out lots of slips and seeds. I love the idea of passing it on...
    Yes, you will be heading into the heat and humidy while I can thankfully take a break from it for a while. I aspire to have photos like you do on your site!

  5. How lovely to get free plants - and ones that had the perfect spot just waiting to receive them too!

  6. Wow! How blessed to be getting free plants, Gillian! Pity that most of our friends aren't the gardening type. Hehe..sometimes, we do get seeds, free from nursery's hand though!
    Love that curvy garden border of yours too, gives an arty look to the scene.


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