Lots of colour

During the wet season the tropical plants really shine, and my garden is looking quite colourful.
We have created the privacy screen between us and the neighbours as we wanted.

A close up of a bromeliad flower - what vibrant colour!

the purple tips seem almost electric!


  1. That's a great bloom on your bromeliad - love the red and purple together. I have one that's pink with the purple tips but it's not as fabulous looking!

    Did you get much rain up your way ... I think we managed around 450mm in a week down here thanks to ex-Olga.

  2. This looks like Billbergia pyramidalis. They are very popular in yards here in Florida and usually bloom around August.

  3. Do you use a gas/oil lawnmower or the push kind?
    How much time you spend doing it?
    What height?

  4. Gillian,
    That is a cool looking bloom. Bromeliads develop in slow motion but the end result is often worth the wait.

  5. Hi Bernie,
    thanks, yes I have that pink and purple bromeliad too- might be a matchstick bromeliad as I found out from reading Sanddunes blog. Wow that is a lot of rain in a week - we had over 900mm for the month of January.
    Grower Jim: thanks yes I think you are right, they are quite common here too - at a caravan park here they are climbing up the side of a tree - spectacular when they are all in bloom! I bought one that had a red center, but when I put it amongst the others the centre turned green. Have you seen that happen? Do they need a bit of sunshine, or is it something in the soil?

  6. Hellow Antigonum,
    I am very blessed, I live in a set of units and we have a gardener come in (otherwise my edges wouldnt look like that!). I get them to cut the grass quite high, and they use a regular gas push mower. They cut those amazing edges just with a whippeer snipper turned sideways and the string left quite long. My place is quite deceptive, very small, and the two of them are in and out in about 15 minutes. They always comment how much they like being in my backyard though! :)
    Sanddune, yes I think most bromeliad blooms are stunning! we do get some here though that are just a few little flowers in the bottom of the "well" area, a bit of a dissapointment!


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