A collage made in Picassa

Gosh I love my flowers!
Happiness is... being a gardener of course!


  1. Beautiful collage! Isn't Picasa fun? -Jean

  2. Not sure I find the new Picassa fun yet, Jean. I still have lots to learn!

  3. It's a lovely collage of some great tropical flowers ... well done! I found learning how to use Picasa such a lot of fun ... trying out things and making an absolute mess and then finally getting it!

  4. aloha, picassa is great with collages, except that you can't choose the main pics you want, its all random, unless someone knows something that i don't???

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone.
    Noel, I have just upgraded Picassa to picassa 3. It is quite different to the old one - but lots of new editing tools, creat freeform crop tools, adding captions etc. I have been trying to make a movie to send to my mom, and am slowly discovering how to use it all. The collage feature is very different - you can choose a lot of different options and also place photos wherever you want them. There are some help videos, but I find, like Bernie, it is best just to fumble along and learn by your own mistakes.


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