
Variegated leaves like this add some "depth" to the dark foresty area of the garden. they are also lovely in flower arrangements.
These ground orchids are lovely - they appreciate a shady moist spot and continue to multipy and happily bloom all through the year.

The ginger family is quite large - a lot of plants are in the ginger family, but most of them are grown for their flowers, as this one is. The flower forms on long leafed branches and eventually the flower will begin to grow new leaves. It can be pegged down onto the ground at that stage where it will form a new plant. I believe this form of propogation is called layering

In most areas of the world this is a houseplant, commonly called a cupboard lilly. I have one inside, but this one is very happy out in the shade fo the lychee tree amongst the bromeliads, orchids and other shady loving plants.

My weeping bottlebrush, otherwise known as calistemon is flowering at last. I dont know why it took so long. Maybe it needed more water as now we have been getting lots of rain. I had classed it as an australian native that preferred the dry weather. Who knows? I would love to find out more about pruning this plant - it has two main branches that are leaning the way I dont want the bush to go. I was thinking if I cut it back to one central leader it might put out more evenly spaced branches. Then again maybe a weeping type bush doesnt have just one central branch. Anyone have any advice on this?


  1. The wife and I have been looking over your blog pictures. Quite interesting and different from the tropicals I see here around South Florida. I have been pondering on trying one of those ginger plants myself in the backyard.I think your pictures have convinced me. Thanks for sharing them. P.S. the ground Orchid could be on the list also. It never ends....

  2. Hi Sanddune,
    Yes you should be able to grow both of them. It is a pity I can't send you any plants, they are both very easy to propogate! The ginger plants get very big here - up to about six foot high!
    take care

    Stop by my blog and give your opinion in the what is it poll. After all you are representing Australia. Thanks

  4. I have an callistemon planted about two decades ago. It grow into a big tree. Recently, I have to cut it down very short because it was getting too big. Yes, it is possible to have one main trunk.


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