Rain means green

We have had a few showers of rain this week, and suddenly everything seems a bit greener. My seeds arrived and so I will be doing a bit of planting this weekend - also finish off the little path to nowhere between my tropical plants. I often have to go right in between the plants to trim old branches or cut flowers and so am making a path right into the center - this means I will not be stepping on little plants all the time. I will give it a little curve at the end so hopefully it will lead wanderers in to go a little deeper into the garden.

I really enjoy having the path at the back of the bed to go through and have access. In fact I have planted some ginger and pawpaw there as that will make it easier to harvest from there. My cardamon is getting chewed up by grasshoppers and that too might have to be moved - maybe it is to close to other plants where it is now, and would enjoy being on the edge at the back.
we have a Kookaburra that seems to like visiting and sitting on our fence - surveying the scenery. I do love their laughing chatter. It reminds me that I am living in a great country.


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