New plants!

OH I do love to order new plants! I found out that asparagus grows well in this area, so went online and ordered 4 two year corms which should start bearing this year and then got some seeds for some "black" asparagus which will take a couple of years. I have to now make a bed for them since it is going to be a permanent perennial bed. I will pick up some chicken manure pellets on the way home, hubby is not keen on eating vegetables that have been near any other kind of manure. Since he is going to be eating half the vegetables..... he said chicken manure is OK. I also do have some lovely compost.
The other seeds I ordered are for angled luffa. This plant, you can eat the young vegetables like zucchini, but if you leave them to dry on the vine will make loofahs! How cool! Both of these should go into the ground before the wet, so I only have about a month until that starts to happen. I wanted to grow something in the wet - most gardeners here just stop growing anything from now until next April, but I want to try and produce some food throughout the year. The way to do that is to concentrate on growing what grows naturally here. The jicama (yam bean they call it here) is doing well, and I think chilies should go through the wet as well. I have banana peppers and also started some jalapenos which are just forming their first leaves. I am leaving all the volunteer cherry tomatoes as they pop up, hoping that they will continue to produce.
I see signs that my favourite local nursery has plants half off this weekend - I would like some bamboo and a lime or lemon tree (wouldnt mind a grafted one that has two types of fruit). Oh dreams of new plants....

This is a photo of my cats whiskers which is a lovely native plant. I just read a book on herbs and discovered that the leaves of this plant have been used for centuries in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia in the treatment of gall, kidney and bladder stones.


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