one tonne of 220mm gravel

Over time the gravel in my paths sinks down, and as I pull up weeds, the earth comes up, and it all begins to look a litle untidy and of course allows more weeds to grow. I ordered a tonne of gravel to be delivered, and of course it has kept me very busy spreading out a thin layer everywhere it is needed. It looks different, but it is the same rock just, very ,very dusty. We also decided to open up the front a bit and include the carport as part of the garden. It really is wasted as a carport because most vistors park out front in the visitors parking. I dug up a few big plants (they have been there for 15 years!) and others just wouldnt budge so they got a reprieve. I poured boiling water over one, and then will just continue to cut back any growing shoots and see how we go. It has been so hot and dry, so have had to continually water to establish the new plants. I planted a Rose of sharon that I grew from a slip. Such a...