Making mango chutney with a glut of tropical fruit

Along with the extreme heat comes tropical fruit season!  The roads are just littered with fallen mangoes and the smell is quite heady!!!  The shops sell the stringless bowen mangoes but most people use the stringy mangoes for chutney.  You know, the ones that have strings that stick between your teeth as you suck the juicy flesh off the pit.  :)  A real summer treat, especially when they are ice cold!
My friend gave me a huge bag of  green mangoes, and I have made two batches of chutney, and then have lots of little containers of mango slices in the freezer.  Whizzed up with greek yoghurt, this makes the Indian drink  Mango Lassi.  Oh yummmm.
I researched my recipes and decided on a carribean mango chutney, adapted from a book I picked up at the markets.  Here is my version of the recipe:

8 under ripe mangoes, peeled and chopped
1Tbs salt
250g mixed fried fruit
2 Tbs chili flakes, or to taste
375g raw sugar
750ml malt vinegar
60g grated fresh ginger root

Mix the salt into the diced mangoes and leave to sit for 2 hours.  Do not drain, and add remaining ingredients.  Bring to the boil stirring until sugar is dissolved, and then turn down to a simmer.  Simmer, stirring occasionally until thick.  The mangoes should be tender but there should still be recognizable chunks.  spoon into hot sterilized jars, and seal immediately.
I gave most of the first batch away so decided I better make another batch!  It is so good with curries, and also on a cheese and chutney sandwich.

Another friend just dropped off a big bag of lychees, which we will just eat straight out of the bag, and some will go into my kombucha.
We are having such tremendously hot dry days and the best thing is to get out and enjoy some of the lovely shady walks on offer.   I love to walk along the shore-front through these curtain fig trees.

Or on the shady beach in the late afternoon!

What are you doing to keep cool?


  1. How nice to have a glut of mangoes. I wish. My daughter in the Outback has a tree hanging over her fence but the flying foxes get into it at night unfortunately. The bats are in plague proportions where they live unfortunately.

    1. We notice a lot more bats too, and they get most of our lychees before we do.

  2. I'm not a fan of lychees, but love, love mangoes. Our little mango tree gave us a dozen mangoes last year, but I can't see anything yet. It's been far too hot here too and a lot of our veggies are struggling. Enjoy the mango chutney :)

  3. Reminds me of the olden days when all my aunties, grandma and neighbors who does this when they own a mango tree. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Glad I could bring back those happy memories for you.

  4. Good to see some new blog posts coming through again.....I was wondering. The good side of no job....freedom of time to go travel and visit kids and enjoy garden and home again. Glad you are making the most of it and hopefully a part time job will come up to keep you going until pensions kick in. Seems like a lot of people are finding the freedom of just having lots of side hustles these days too. Aloha

    1. Thanks for the thoughts Stellamarina, It seems that lots of little jobs is what is eventually going to be available. Hoping the new year brings lots of opportunities and I am open to take them up!


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