A memory quilt from my Moms fabric painted cloths

As you know, I really enjoyed making the two memory quilts for my two grandchildren. Here is the one I made for my granddaughter , and I do not have a photo of my grandsons quilt. That will have to be rectified when I go over in May. I was left with a few table runners and tray cloths that my Mom had painted. She did that later on in life at the retirement village where she lived. Such a lovely lady did the classes, and I remember how she included everyone and worked with them according to their abilities. My Mom made some lovely tablecloths and place mats that I use often. I really wasn't using these. My older daughter said she would not mind a light summer quilt, so I laid out all the bits of tray cloths and some other quilting fabrics I had lying around. At one stage I had a bit of a swap here on the blog, exchanging fabric squares so that we could all make a "blog hug quilt" I never got enough to make a quilt...