Planting seeds in anticipation

 I placed an order for some seeds, and as usual couldn't resist adding in some that I am not sure are going to grow here (in the wet season too!)
Sunflower - sunbird
Cucumber - redlands long white
Carrot all season
Sweet william - summertime mix
Asparagus - Mary Washington
Eggplant tsakoniki
Angled luffa

I really want some flowers - for a couple of years I had yellow cosmos and they were awesome for attracting butterflies, this year I thought I would try some sunflower and sweet William.  Everyone says you cant grow carrots and cucumber in the wet season, but I see them at the markets, so thought I would give it a  try.  The cucumbers are against this fence, with sweet potato in front.  I have used this bed for ginger for quite a few years, so thought I would switch it over, and put the ginger in other places. the tomato plant is still looking healthy so I will leave it there in case it gives me another flush of tomatoes before it succumbs to the heat and humidity. 
The eggplant are in the two boxes with the luffa in front of that old futon frame.  I started out some seedlings of sunflower to give to the grand kids and some rosella for a friend. those are in the greenhouse.   I planted rosella in front of the peppercorns.  That is the asparagus bed, but right now there is only one lonely asparagus plant there, oh and  a couple of chili bushes.
On the fence side of the middle bed a pumpkin has sprung up, so I might let it wander around - there is not that much room, so might not let it get big enough to get pumpkins, but we can eat the greens and also stuff and cook some pumpkin flowers. I am hoping it will climb this support, but mine always seem to prefer rambling over the ground, so it can only stay if it behaves itself. There are two boxes with mint and one with sorrel.  I also planted some turmeric in this bed, and a couple of rows of carrots.
The other box under the tree is where I have started some more asparagus plants - they take two years until they can be transplanted out. Long term investment. There is some sprouting broccoli in the other box and the leaves are usable, but think it is too hot to get any broccoli now.

I felt very confident yesterday as I tended the garden, dug out all the weeds, cleared the paths and planted my seeds,  then last night it rained, and poured, a total wet season deluge.  I have no idea what my little seeds will be doing - have they all washed away or did they enjoy that good long soak?  
 I need to get some mulch so that all the weeds don't return - I love it when my garden looks so neat and clean.


  1. We've just started to pick Lebanese cucumbers in the last week or two. I'm loving them - they are so crunchy and fresh. I planted out a few more seedlings into the garden too for when the plants fruiting now are finished. I want to plant some sunflowers too, they are such happy plants and so Summery. Your garden's looking great! Meg:)

  2. Don't be surprised if you get some beautiful visitors to your sunflowers. Parrots adore them. (a bonus) Gillian, you have so much going on in your garden it is inspiring. I really miss my old garden and need a bit of inspiration to get back into the garden.

    1. Hi Missy, wow I haven't heard from you in ages.... we get lorikeets that invade the umbrella trees behind our property. I wonder if they will venture down into our garden? I hope you find your inspiration soon, gardening is so good for the soul!

  3. I do hope mine work out. I know some types just suffer such terrible mildew that they cannot survive. I do love sunflowers.

  4. It's good to experiment with the plants and seeds. Last year I had a lot of butterflies and hummingbirds. For the life of me I cannot remember what annuals I had planted but it was lovely having these visitors to my garden. Enjoy. x

  5. Your garden looks great. Of course you get a lot more heat and humidity than we do here in the SE. I have planted Golden Nugget pumpkins this year as apparently they are quite a compact bush variety.

    1. Oh I love golden nugget, I will have to keep an eye on your blog to see how they turn out.

  6. Good luck with all your planting Gill. I planted sunflowers a couple of years ago, but once they died they never returned. I probably should have saved seeds.

    1. Sami,
      I have never had them self seed either. I remember the birds enjoying the seeds and you would have thought some of them might have dropped and taken. we have a lady at the markets who sells sunflower microgreens and they are so yummy.


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