New venture - playing with recycled materials

At this time of year the gardening slows down. The things that grow during the wet season just manage on their own, and I often turn my attention to doing things inside the house. - with the aircon going! As I mentioned previously I discovered a wonderful organization in Jacksonville that trains and prepares survivors of the sex trade to enter the business world. You can read more about my adventure into making necklaces and see the first necklaces I made, or the company re-threaded here. Last Saturday I invited some friends over for a crafternoon and afternoon tea. I showed them how to make the necklaces and they each took their creations home with them. I had quite a colorful assortment of fabrics for them to choose from. I had also made a few clay polymer beads. Hubby thought I had some new plant decorations when I had them drying on skewers in the most convenient location! All in all I am building up quite a col...