Easter weekend spent in the garden

Happy Easter to all - a little late, but I was out in the garden! Four whole days doing gardening related activities. Can life get any better? On Saturday we went shopping and I spent my birthday coupons - what fun! I decided to incorporate a couple of plants inside and have a row of terracotta planters with aloe vera on on the kitchen counter. Then I also found an amazing stand and pot that now has a spathiphyllum in it. Bringing the outdoors inside a little bit! A lot of work was done in the veggie patch. I laid out another soaker hose as my old ones perished. Chook poo (chicken manure) was spread out over the main bed where I added lime a couple of weeks ago. This was then covered over with a few layers of wet newspaper and some sugar cane mulch. Some things have done well in the greenhouse - my tomato seedlings have done well - I planted a few out into the garden. Red cherry and yellow pear, the rest of the tomato pl...