Lime green is the colour of the day

My microgreens came up so nicely and I was just about ready to harvest some for my dinner, when -whoosh - overnight something mowed them down - they are now just a bunch of little green sticks.  Sometimes growing food in the tropics is just way too hard.
Luckily I can spend time with my flowers - the sexy pink lady is flowering again.

 I was trimming some branches and look who hopped onto my hand!  I found him a nice leafy branch to move onto.


  1. How gorgeous is he/she (my frog knowledge is nil). Lovely colour as is your Sexy Lady. Growing might be hard in the tropic but things grow and grow and grow and grow, so you wont have to wait long for the next crop.

    1. Yes you are right, I think there must have been something in the potting soil that was ready to pounce.... I also have no idea if they are male or female - I hear it is the males that make the most noise though lol!

  2. Its so devastating when someone/something else gets to enjoy all your hard work, our resident possums beat us to most things, but that hasn't stopped me from trying.... Your little green friend is absolutely divine!

    1. Clarissa,
      At one stage I was fighting bandicoots, then scrub hens, but never before the invisible one!

  3. Sorry about your microgreens...I hope they continue to grow for you and that you catch the culprit.

    1. I have no idea what it was, cna only think it was something in the soil. I might just dump that lot in the compost and let the worms deal with them.

  4. Beautiful pink lady! Sorry about your microgreens, hopefully they'll grow again.
    We get our veggies eaten by all sorts of bugs which is a pain!
    Cute frog, I'd never seen a green frog like that.

    1. Sami,
      I guess I need to be more grateful for the successes that I have had this year!

  5. I got tired of having bites taken out of tomatoes etc. and then the fruit just left on the ground.

    Your pink lady is beautiful and that little frog is really cute.

    Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine,
      Us gardeners are a hardy lot arent we? we just keep coming back for more abuse from little critters.

  6. What a gorgeous little frog.
    That's disappointing about the microgreens. I've been sprouting lots of different things lately. I bought a Mr Fothergill's 4 tier sprouting tray and although I'm not a fan of the plastic, I have to say it is a neat and efficient way to sprout. And boy do those little radish sprouts pack a punch in heat and flavour.

    1. Tracy,
      Yes I have one of those sprouters as well and honestly things grown inside like that on the kitchen bench do better at this time of year. Yes the radish sprouts are lovely, but you just need a few.

  7. I wonder what type of frog he is. He does not look like the green tree frogs I know.
    Competition is high for your gardening produce. Good luck with the next lot.

    1. Louise,
      The big white lipped ones are common around here. these little ones hide away! I couldnt see this on any of the sites identifying frogs. he defintitely looks fully grown.

  8. Love the heleconia, so gorgeous! The frog is adorable, but I have to admit, I probably would have jumped if he landed on my hand!

    1. Karen,
      I was actually trying to move him onto a plant so it wasnt a complete surprise.

  9. oh sorry about your greens! Our chickens got into the garden and dug up my beans... so annoying! The frog is CUTE!

    1. Liz,
      Oh no! I think I saw you clipping their wings :)

  10. What a cute little guy ... I might have yelped! :D

  11. bad luck about the greens. Extremely cute frog.

    1. Sue - they are now jsut a pile of stalks - even the rocket is gone - I wonder if there were some bugs in the potting soil?

  12. What a cute little frog. Love the flower they are so amazing.


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