Backyard birds - are you counting?

When my brother was visiting with his very fancy camera and lots of long lenses, he took some awesome bird photos.
I will share with you one of the awesome photos my brother took of a kookaburra when he was here... He said he was happy for me to share it here.

Sometimes though it is not so much the equipment, it is what you have on hand.  I captured this lovely rainbow on my phone camera on the way into work one morning, and now use it on my desktop.  It makes me feel so peaceful.

I dont have the equipment to be taking professional photos, but it got me a little bit interested in what all the birds in my neighbourhood are called.
 I was sitting watching my veggie garden grow last weekend - that is gardening too isnt it?  The rainbow lorikeets make such a racket feasting on the berries high up in the neighbours garden, and then I suddenly noticed two large white birds sitting on a branch.  From lots of running in and out with bird books, binoculars etc I eventually discovered they are Torresian Imperial Pigeons.
I of course did not get a photo with my little camera, but it did lead me to discover that there is to be a Australian backyard bird count.   I am doing it - it started Sunday so hope you can join me.  This is a great site for identifying birds, and it is helpful to see what other birds are in your surrounding area which helps with identifying tham..


  1. It is considered very difficult to photograph a double rainbow, and to snap it on your phone is marvellous. Did you notice that the order of colours is reversed in the extra bow?

    1. I did not Louise, wow - it must in fact be a reflection.

  2. beautiful photos!
    i heard about the bird count - but as I work full time, i wouldn't be very accurate.
    and yes, watching the garden grow IS gardening - it's the easiest part, for sure!

    1. e,
      I work full time and lately a lot of overtime when I get home after dark, so did the days that I could do. It was fun participating and finding out a bit more about our birds.

  3. Bloody noisy garden digging mynas and pooping pigeons is all i have lately. Bah Humbug!

    1. Lynda,
      Yes I agree not all birds are welcome to my garden. as soon as there is any colour in fruit I pick them otherwise the birds will get them. Oh I think the pigeon poo is guano - that will be good fertilizer - hehe.

  4. They are both gorgeous photos Gill! I don't see kookaburras in my neighbourhood, but I saw one in the Botanic Gardens during the Spring Festival in September. But because he was moving around so much I didn't get such a clear photo.
    Didn't know about the bird count, I'll read up on it to see if I can do it.

    1. Sami,
      Oh I guess we are lucky living next to a creek then as they seem to nest there and we see them regularly. Even if you dont do the bird count the site is a good one.

  5. Your rainbow photo is so beautiful! The kookaburra is very handsome. It looks like he has some "attitute" like our Bluejays..

    1. Thank Jenny,
      Yes they do have abit of a an attitude,and can get very loud.

  6. love the kooky photo. We have so many birds at our place, I love to try to identify them, but I really have no idea :)

    1. Liz,
      This past week has found me with my binoculars, book, running inside to the computer, log them on my phone. It was a busy time I tell ya!

  7. Beautiful bird photographed your brother, but you "catch" rainbow just a phone. Regards.

    1. Thank you Giga, I think it is often being in the right place at the right time.

  8. Those "paparazzi" cameras as I like to call them, take the most incredible photos....maybe one of these days I'll buy one.
    Love your new desktop photo.
    I have the same birds that come by my garden every day but I love watching them.

    1. Virginia,
      My phone is so great for checking out what new grandson photos have come in..... :) Yes I have my few favourites and they let me walk by the birdbath without even interupting their ablutions.

  9. I adore your rainbow photo! The only birds I've been seeing much of lately are turkeys (dozens and dozens) and geese flying south for the winter. None as beautiful as yours!

    1. Karen,
      Do those turkeys know how close it is to Thanskgiving? They shoudl be in in hiding. When I lived in the US those Canadian gees wintered over in my neighbourhood.


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