and I am ready to go......

leaving for a whole months holiday with my two daughters in America.  I have mulched and fertilized, and leaving with strict instructions for my hubby to make sure that he harvests the vegetables, as I dont want them to stop producing.  He is not an eggplant fan, and the eggplant have suddenly started producing.  My neighbours love them, so they will be happy. 

 There are also cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, lettuces, bok choy and herbs.  also passionfruit and pawpaw.  I think the silverbeet, beetroot, and cauliflower will take a bit longer.
I noticed over the weekend that my tree fern was looking very sad, with crisp dry leaves.

 The cause seems to be a kink in the soaker hose, which was preventing the water from getting to the plant.  All this time I thought I was watering, and it was only going half way!  I fixed the problem and gave everything a good long soaking.  I am not totally in love with soaker hoses, they seem to rot so easily, and if they get a kink, then they are likely to split open at that point.   Mine have lots of repairs with electrical tape, and I have also taped up the spots where the hose goes over a path so that I am not wasting water watering the paths.   I did find a couple of packets of watering spikes at the hardware store on special, and have plans when I return to rig up a better watering system in the vegetable garden, where I want lots of water very deep once or twice a week.  It will be good to have some projects to look forward to on my return.
Went for a last walk on our favourite beach and it was low tide, my favourite time to walk this beach.  Bits of coral reef are exposed and the beach seems to go on forever, long and flat and empty.

No wait, not quite empty - there were these little blue crabs - I know it is a bad photo - (hopefully when I get my new camera :) ....  the photography will improve)  they are so tiny about 2.5 cm or 1/2" long!

all sorts of plants are ready to bloom, the kalanchoe will soon be a mass of red blooms

and these lillies - I call them easter lillies but I know that is the wrong name,,,

the pointsettia is just beginning to turn colour too..... but I am leaving the garden in good hands, and will arrive back refreshed and renewed.

I will be having a break from blogging while away, see you all on my return.


  1. Hope you have a great time visiting your Daughters. I'm sure your husband will diligently tend to your garden in the meantime.

  2. Have a great holiday! You garden is in good hands.

  3. Have a happy and safe trip. You must be excited to se your daughters. You are lucky to have a garden sitter while you're away.

  4. So you're coming to America! Have a safe trip and enjoy your daughters. I know it must be hard living so far away. I can tell you are a bit worried about that garden. I am always a wee bit stressed when I leave on vacation as well. Your lily photo looks like Amazon Lilies (Eucharis grandiflora). I grow them in my garden, in the deepest shade. They open to look like bright white daffodils with greenish cups. Just guessing. The leaves look identical.

  5. Have a great vacation in America with your daughters! I too is about to go away for three weeks at the end of this month, so I totally can understand your stress and the worry about your garden. At least your hubby is tending the garden for you. For me, I need to rely on my friends. It is not a trivial task to water them in this hot hot summer.

  6. Have a WONDERFUL time with your daughters! Don't worry about your'll be fine! Enjoy your vacation and the memories you are making with your sweet girls. Will miss your blogging for a month, but definitely hope you'll share photos when you return. Blessings!

  7. Thanks for all for the good wishes everyone!

  8. Wishing you a wonderful trip and many joyful memories with your daughters and a safe journey back home.

  9. have a wonderful trip to the usa, look forward to your pics...glad someone is staying for the veggie harvests!

  10. Just got your comment on my blog ... glad to see you home safe and sound. I'm sure you enjoyed every minute of your holiday ... hope your garden flourished while you were away. Enjoy this lovely winter now you're home!


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