Garden planning near and far

I have my little sheet all printed out with the plants I am going to plant this year. I sway back and forth about moon planting, but generally try to plant by the moon. It does make sense to use the gravitational force of the moon if you can. One thing that has never been made clear to me is - does it work the same for seeds and for seedlings? I have lots of compost brewing, as well as three buckets of worm castings. Exciting times. I have seeds, and have purchased a little greenhouse. It might seem an odd thing to do in my hot, wet climate, but in actual fact, I am hoping this will at least control the amount of water my little seedlings get. If it gets too hot in there, I will add a shadecloth over the top. I also plan to grow the microgreens in there as they get so many bugs out in the garden. There has been an ever so slight decrease in temperature, Remember my gorgeous dragon fruit flowers? Well, they matured into...