Forests of colourful tropical flowers in my tropical garden

The hot and humid wet season seems to suit the tropical flowers much better than it suites me. I still gaze in awe at the fact that the Anthirium is one of my most carefree plants. From one plant gifted by a friend years ago when I was first starting my garden, I now have a forest! I have also passed on multiple plants to other gardeners, so it is a gift that keeps on giving. There is also a forest of red ginger - so reliable. Way in the back corner are one of my favourite tropical heleconias - the sexy pink lady. Once each stem has flowered it will die, so I need to get out there and cut back the dead stalks. That way the flowers can be the centre of the show again. Theese beehive gingers seem to be playing peek a boo against the side fence. They are tucked away behind the fan palms. This has been one of the driest wet seasons I have ever known. Last week there was a cyclone to the northwest of us and...