Don't you just love free stuff?

I had been bemoaning the fact that the grocery stores had a very limited choice of dried beans, and then walked into the expensive local health food store and saw their variety! Wow! Black beans, azuki beans - I was in heaven, but at 5.00 for a little bag I didn't think buying those beans would be something I would be doing very often. Then I started thinking about the climate that black beans grew in - well, if they can grow in Mexico - why not here? After making a batch of my yummy black bean and corn soup into the garden went a handful of my health food store beans, and they have all come up! Now I am not sure if they are growing in the right season, but they sure do look healthy, I am so glad that I saved some seeds back. How exciting - I might be able to grow my own black beans here! then I tried with some azuki beans - same thing, yeah! Then I started do...