My reds

Since I showcased the pinks over the weekends I thought I better show you where the red Kalanchoe went.... I did tell you it was red! I planted them just below the poinsettia which is showing its colors right now as well. Unfortunately the Poinsettia is always plagued by white flies when it starts to color up. I have not had any success with strong water pressure, or garlic chili spray. My hubby got out the fly spray and thought he had eradicated them but even that did not work. After it has finished flowering I will cut it right back, and if the white flies come back the whole plant might have to go. I do love the red color they add for months to this area of the garden though, so if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. The coleus in this area tends towards the red and yellows, with the new leaves being the most colorful. The stars in this garden are the crotons, they are prett...